Saturday, April 9, 2016

Channel Updates/Plans

Hi everyone! I have a couple updates for you guys! Just a few things I’d like to get out there for feedback to further my YouTube career.

First, I want to start Twitch streaming! My best friend, Casey, has been helping me set up my Twitch channel, and my alerts are all ready...I just need to get an HDMI cable so I can hook my new camera up so you can see what I’m drawing! I’m also saving for a drawing tablet so I can eventually do digital stuff again, too! I have lots of plans for streaming, I can’t wait to get it started!

I’m also trying to think of fan art to draw for my channel. Fan art always seems to do better than original artwork. So far I’ve gotten about 40 subs since I started being regular on YouTube with 95% original it’s not too bad starting out original because fan art will always help with gaining subs and popularity. I’m just not motivated to work on fan art for some reason. It’s kind of funny because that’s all I ever used to do and now all I ever create is original art. Weird how life works like that!

Vlogs have always been a part of my life in some way too. I used to do daily vlogs for 6+ months and then I got SUPER behind with them and couldn’t keep up. I’ve always watched vlogs on YouTube, and ones I’ve been loving lately are the ones by BdoubleO and his wife on their daily vlog channel, and Generikb on his gaming channel of his lifestyle in Bulgaria (he’s originally from Chicago!). I’ve also enjoyed some other artists’ vlogs and some other daily vloggers.

So I’d like to start occasional vlogs on my art channel! They’ll probably be art-related in some way. Or just some fun event things (like a weekend getaway or something like that) every once in a while. My Art Collective trip is to St. Louis to the art museum, city garden, the arch, the zoo, and the city museum…and most of the members know about my YouTube channel, so it’ll be a really good vlog because hopefully everyone will be down to interact! Austin and I might have a Chicago trip planned in the near future, so that could be another vlog. And I’m 90% positive I’m going to Art Prize in Michigan this September, so I’ll definitely be vlogging that if I go!! Austin may go to that with me too, my uncle invited him to go with me and said he’d give us a place to stay the entire time we’re there! I’m so pumped to go, you guys have NO IDEA. And I’m taking 3 classes, and one of them is online, next semester so hopefully it’ll be easier for me to get away with taking a few days off.

The semester is almost over, and so my portfolio class is also almost over. So the Twisty Trees may be slowing down for a bit. And I’m not taking any summer classes, so the videos will be coming with more variety, hopefully! I have enough videos edited to last me through the rest of the semester and a little bit into the summer. So that’s a relief. And I have a bunch more ideas, too!

Thanks for reading! <3

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