Saturday, July 25, 2015

First Blog Post!!

Hi everyone who may read this in the future!

Finally jumped on the bandwagon and started a blog. Honestly, I've thought about making one. I used to do daily vlogs about my struggles through college and the ups and downs of trying to become an artist at a professional level, and it was really fun! The only problem was I usually couldn't get very good footage because a lot of my friends didn't like the camera. And I was hardly doing any ART related things so they sort of felt pointless after a while. But, with this blog I'll be able to share and not worry about a schedule or editing! :D Hooray!

I'm not sure what kind of stuff I'll post here. I have two YouTube artsy channels. One is my main art channel that's full of "speedpaints" and some informative videos. I'm trying to convert it to be solely art related, so if you check that channel out, bare with me! My old vlogging channel is still up and running! I just don't do daily vlogs anymore. Whenever an art event comes around, or if I'm having an art day with some artist friends, I'll vlog throughout the day and then edit and upload that because it's art related and that's what most artists want to watch, right? I'll leave my two channels here:
Main Art Channel --> BlueDragon2196
Artsy Vlog Channel --> Haley Bop
Just look them up on YouTube and they should pop up! If not, I'll try and find a way to get them on this blog! I also started out on deviantART several years ago, but my fanbase is pretty much full of ghosts now and I never get any feedback or commissions. So it's just a place to post my digital artwork to now. Oh well.

Enough about that! I guess I should introduce myself! (Taking me long enough right?)
I'm Haley! I'm a 19 year old college student, about to go into my second year at my local community college, and I'm going for my AFA (Associates in Fine Arts) here. Then, I'm hoping to transfer to a university and go for my BFA (Bachelor's in Fine Arts) and I'm not really sure where I'm going for that yet. Depends on how things play out. I've been drawing since I was about 2, so art has been a major part of my life for my whole life! I'm excited to see how I can make something I love to do a career, but I'm also nervous. There are a lot of art jobs out there, but I'm aiming to become an illustrator! I've always been told that my style looks like something from a children's book, and I never really believed people until I realized concept art wasn't really my thing, like I thought it was.

I'm also a complete nerd and a gamer. I'm currently addicted to The Office that I'm watching with my best friend. But I also love Star Trek, BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Marvel, ASMR, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Animal Crossing, DISNEY/Pixar, Warriors, and a bunch of others I'm probably forgetting! I love to read, as well (whenever I have the time!). Also getting back into golf, I'm pretty sore after 2 days at the driving range. I don't know how those pros do it for weeks straight! x__x Also getting into art journaling, so I may share some of that here in the future!

Anyways, I think that's enough about me for now. I assume you'll learn more about me in upcoming posts. I don't think I'll have a schedule. I'll just post whenever something is on my mind or something relevant happens, haha!
Now to try and figure out how this site works!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats!!! Keep updating them and notify people on Facebook!
