About Haley

                Colorado Trip 2015            Lake Michigan 2016

Hi! I'm Haley, the author of this blog! I started this blog a little over a year ago because I wanted to try something new. I had always been interested in writing, but never considered starting a blog until I got serious with YouTube and my own personal artwork. I've always been into art, but I didn't start truly "experiencing" art until my senior year of high school, where I started my Twisty Tree series, which is still going strong today. Now, I'm not just an artist. I'm also a bullet journalist, scrapbooker, YouTuber, college student (almost done!), and a new and upcoming wanderlust junkie.

Figge Art Museum - February 2016

I started my bullet journaling journey in June 2016 and I'm still going strong! With 1,000 followers now on my BuJo Instagram (@haleyjournals), it's my second calling. Bullet journaling is a creative way to plan, whether you're illustrative, minimalistic, or somewhere in between, like me! I could never stay with one planner for more than a semester because it was the same thing every single day. With bullet journaling, I can tailor my layouts and collections based on my needs and what works for me. Since I'm in college I'm constantly taking notes and having to remember a lot of assignments and events, especially since I'm a third year running President of the Art Collective at my school, so BuJo is definitely the best planning alternative for me! It let's me be artsy even when I'm too busy to do bigger artwork at home.

YouTube is also a big part of my life! I do art videos and vlogs, but I try to keep everything art-related in some way! I restarted YouTube in January of 2016 as a New Year's goal to get serious about it and have either bi-weekly or weekly videos. I started out bi-weekly and eventually went to weekly since I was able to make videos often enough without losing quality. During the semester it gets fairly slow, but outside the semester I'm fairly regular with weekly videos, sometimes posting twice a week if I have another smaller video to share. Since I started BuJo in June, I will be posting some videos about that, but you can be sure to find artwork videos on my channel! I also post to this very blog everytime I post a video, so keep an eye out for those with some behind-the-scenes photos and discussion within those posts!

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