Friday, April 29, 2016

Art Collective Trip to St. Louis!

Here's that extra post I told you readers about! ;D If you've been keeping up with my art channe, twitter, and tumblr, you've noticed this last week I've been uploading THREE extra videos! These videos are the vlog montages I took while my art collective was in St. Louis! This was the first big weekend trip the club has ever taken, and I'm so glad that my group was able to go. They're such a great group of people and I'm so grateful that this club has brought us together. I truly feel like I have friends now I'll have for the rest of my life.

Enough with the sappy talk, I'll start with Day 1 of our trip!

This was a pretty awesome first day, because we got to explore around downtown St. Louis on foot for a little bit, eat some really good food, check out the sculpture garden, and go to the famous City Museum! We also found a pretty cool comic book store on the way back to the museum, I felt like I was in Big Bang Theory! My uncle and aunt that are locals in the St. Louis area told me about the City Museum and how there are random buses and planes suspended in air you can just go climb and jump on! I honestly thought they were overemphasizing it, BUT I WAS WRONG. In the vlog you'll see the bus hanging off the roof, and the planes suspended in air with kids climbing through wire mesh tunnels from each one. IT WAS INTENSE. And the entire place was just fun, colorful, and very creative! Before that, we went to the Citygarden (sculpture garden) and we were surprised to find out that we could CLIMB on the sculptures! We got some pretty cool pictures and footage from that place!

Day 2 was pretty cool! We went to Hardee's for breakfast and headed to the St. Louis Art Museum! That place was so big, I only got through maybe an eighth of it before we went to the gift shop and cafĂ© and then headed to the zoo right afterward. The museum was very quiet, and because we were younger the security guards followed us like vultures. There was a time when I was in the Impressionism room by myself, and this guard literally stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed, STARING at me. Like bro, take a picture it'll last longer. I personally felt pretty uncomfortable at the art museum, but I was super excited to head to the zoo! The Saint Louis Zoo was literally right down the street, and even though it was busy, we only had 3 hours there, and we barely saw a fourth of the entire zoo, I had a blast! :D The butterfly dome and the sea lions were probably my favorite parts of the zoo that we were able to see. I can't wait to go there sometime with Austin and see the entire thing! And I will remember NOT to wear flats. That was a bad idea. After the museum and the zoo, we went to the BEST ribs/bbq place ever. I think it was called Sweet Fire or Sugar Fire ribs...I can't remember but I've been craving bbq everyday since we ate there and I CAN'T BE TAMED.

Day 3 was the shorter of the three days because we left right after the arch and started heading home! It's also the shortest vlog too (only about 3 minutes). We ate Panera for a late breakfast/early lunch and it was AMAZING! It's called St. Louis Bread there, though, I think because Panera originally started there? That's what I've heard but I'm not sure if it's true or not. It tasted better than the one back home, so that's a plus. The City Hall was pretty cool too! Very nice to look at on the inside and it was a lot bigger than I thought haha. There's a cool part in the vlog where we're in front of the City Hall, and then when we're up in the arch you can see where we were standing! On our way home we stopped by the Pink Elephant Antique Mall that we spotted on the way to St. Louis. It was so cute, and just really unique! It was built out of an old school and their dippin dots and funnel cake were AWESOME.

So that's all the St. Louis stuff I can think about to talk about! All three vlogs are linked beneath each picture, so you can watch them all! Subscribe for weekly artsy videos, and more travel vlogs will be coming in the future! <3

Monday, April 25, 2016

Twisty Tree Series - "Daisy"

Hi there again! This is one of TWO posts you'll be getting from me this week! You'll have another post on Friday (hopefully) that will have a fun subject to talk about! That fun subject also goes with the three EXTRA videos I'm uploading this week to my channel: MY ST. LOUIS TRIP!

But enough about that, here's this week's art video!

I don't have much to say about this one in the video besides a few inspirations that backed this piece...I feel like I'm starting to say the same things in all of my speedpaints, especially the Twisty Tree hopefully this is still enjoyable and you get some inspiration out of it! c:

Monday, April 18, 2016

My Sketching Process!

Hello again! I'm here to share another weekly video: My Sketching Process!

I'm not posting this video as a tutorial as much as I'm just showing you wonderful followers and subscribers how I create my artwork in a more detailed way than speedpaints. I never really include my sketching or lineart steps in my speedpaints because they take the longest to finish and my speedpaints would be way longer than they should be, in my opinion. So with these next few process videos, I'm giving you a behind-the-scenes look at how I start my pieces!

This system has worked for me for the last few years now, but it's not for everyone! So if you do try it please let me know if it worked for you! c:

Don't forget to subscribe, hit the "Like" button, and comment if you enjoyed or if you have any video ideas you'd like to see me try out!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Twisty Tree Series - "Carbonation"

I'm currently having some weird YouTube issues whenever I'm at my house, so this was actually uploaded at my college library. And it only took 45 minutes to upload instead of 6 days ^^' For some reason YouTube keeps telling me about a security thing that's out of date, but it works everywhere but my house. Skype is also out of commission for some odd reason. I LOVE TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES! :D (jk no I don't)

I had a LOT of fun with this installment, and it turned out exactly how I wanted! It's probably one of my favorites in this mini series so far and I really enjoyed creating it. I talk about it more in the video, and you can really hear my excitement in the narration so go ahead and click the link to watch it come to life!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Channel Updates/Plans

Hi everyone! I have a couple updates for you guys! Just a few things I’d like to get out there for feedback to further my YouTube career.

First, I want to start Twitch streaming! My best friend, Casey, has been helping me set up my Twitch channel, and my alerts are all ready...I just need to get an HDMI cable so I can hook my new camera up so you can see what I’m drawing! I’m also saving for a drawing tablet so I can eventually do digital stuff again, too! I have lots of plans for streaming, I can’t wait to get it started!

I’m also trying to think of fan art to draw for my channel. Fan art always seems to do better than original artwork. So far I’ve gotten about 40 subs since I started being regular on YouTube with 95% original it’s not too bad starting out original because fan art will always help with gaining subs and popularity. I’m just not motivated to work on fan art for some reason. It’s kind of funny because that’s all I ever used to do and now all I ever create is original art. Weird how life works like that!

Vlogs have always been a part of my life in some way too. I used to do daily vlogs for 6+ months and then I got SUPER behind with them and couldn’t keep up. I’ve always watched vlogs on YouTube, and ones I’ve been loving lately are the ones by BdoubleO and his wife on their daily vlog channel, and Generikb on his gaming channel of his lifestyle in Bulgaria (he’s originally from Chicago!). I’ve also enjoyed some other artists’ vlogs and some other daily vloggers.

So I’d like to start occasional vlogs on my art channel! They’ll probably be art-related in some way. Or just some fun event things (like a weekend getaway or something like that) every once in a while. My Art Collective trip is to St. Louis to the art museum, city garden, the arch, the zoo, and the city museum…and most of the members know about my YouTube channel, so it’ll be a really good vlog because hopefully everyone will be down to interact! Austin and I might have a Chicago trip planned in the near future, so that could be another vlog. And I’m 90% positive I’m going to Art Prize in Michigan this September, so I’ll definitely be vlogging that if I go!! Austin may go to that with me too, my uncle invited him to go with me and said he’d give us a place to stay the entire time we’re there! I’m so pumped to go, you guys have NO IDEA. And I’m taking 3 classes, and one of them is online, next semester so hopefully it’ll be easier for me to get away with taking a few days off.

The semester is almost over, and so my portfolio class is also almost over. So the Twisty Trees may be slowing down for a bit. And I’m not taking any summer classes, so the videos will be coming with more variety, hopefully! I have enough videos edited to last me through the rest of the semester and a little bit into the summer. So that’s a relief. And I have a bunch more ideas, too!

Thanks for reading! <3

Monday, April 4, 2016

Decorating My Mom's Shoes!

The day has come that I finally tell my mom about my YouTube channel. Not gunna lie..I'm really nervous. Hopefully she likes the cruddy little video I made that's honestly me talking for a majority of the video. It's the thought that counts, right?

Like I said, I do a lot of talking in the first half. I mainly talk about the story behind me decorating another, yes another, pair of shoes for her. I also talk about the Sharpies I'm using, the shoes she got, my experiences with decorating shoes for her, and that kind of stuff.

If you enjoyed, please feel free to share the video! And subscribe if you want to see more artsy videos from me EVERY MONDAY! c:

I'm trying to think of blog posts I can write up inbetween videos, since I feel like these posts are kind of redundant. I have a few ideas, but it's hard to find time during the week to write about stuff. I have some ideas for livestreaming, some advancements at work, and a couple other things I could definitely blog about, so I'll put them in my notebook! Stay tuned, friends!