Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lots of Motivation!

You know what the best feeling is? Feeling so motivated and inspired that all you want to do is that one thing you're into. For me, that's art. And I've been going NUTS this entire winter break with drawing, filming, and sketching stuff. I even have some paintings planned! But January 1st really kicked off my motivation to get my YouTube channel fixed up to be mainly an art channel, and a devoted one, at that.

To put some perspective on how busy I've been with art, I've filmed and edited 4 videos in about a week. One is Avery's unicorn video that spanned from May 2015 to December 2015 (but editing all the clips took a while anyway). Two are smaller pieces, but were done in Copic Markers so they're pretty detailed and it took a while to complete both. And another is a mini speedpaint, but it's also sort of a review video. So that's A LOT of videos that I've gotten done in under a week.

And that's not all, I've been planning videos this whole time too! On the Calendar on my phone, I have every other Monday marked that I have a video planned for. And I have videos planned/started all the way until the BEGINNING OF MAY. I know bi-weekly videos isn't as intense as weekly videos, like most art YouTubers do, but being an over full-time college student it can be hard to do anything BUT homework. So, for me, planning and filming these videos ahead of time is really important, especially if I want to maintain the bi-weekly schedule. And so far I've got videos filmed and edited through the beginning of March.

If I could get the rest of my videos filmed, at LEAST filmed, by next Tuesday, even next weekend, I'll be set through the semester and I won't have to worry about it. That's my main goal. After the semester is over I'll be golden because I'm not taking any classes over the summer. It'll be my first big break from classes ever since senior year in high school! You peeps have no idea how excited I am for that. My brain needed CPR at the end of last semester!

Anyway, I'm rendering a pretty cool speedpaint right now (that will go up in the beginning of March, if not earlier) and it's lagging me slightly, so I'm going to skidaddle and work on more art stuff! And watch American Tail movies. Because that's how I ROLL, otay? Otay.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see art videos and maybe some vloggity vlog type videos that are still art-related! c:

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