Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Workspace, Birthday, & Spring Semester

I'm glad to announce that I officially have a new desk and I LOVE IT!! It's working out exactly how I wanted it to and I've already filmed a video, done some watercolor studies, and sketched away on it! I'm incredibly happy with this new set up. A workspace tour will DEFINITELY be made, hopefully soon before it gets messy, haha. That video will show my desk, etc in more detail. I'll keep it a secret until the workspace tour video comes out! ;) Sorry, not sorry!

My birthday is on February 1st and I'll be 20..I just started getting used to telling people I'm 19 and now I have to try and remember 20?! Oh boy. I don't plan on doing much for my birthday. Last year everyone sort of forgot my birthday because we got 6 feet of snow and no one had signal for the SuperBowl that day. My best friend remembered, though, and surprised me with a visit c: Too bad it's on a Monday :'c Mondays are no fun.

It's now the second week of the Spring 2016 semester and I'm already overwhelmed, to be honest. My portfolio class and my painting class can't really coincide with each other, so I'm pretty much making two completely different series in two or three completely different mediums, with separate assignments in each of those classes PLUS my three other general education classes to worry about. So I'm kind of stressed, but at the same time I know I'll have to get used to this because of the career I want to go into. Luckily both my art classes are sort of at my own pace...but also not at my own pace, at the same time (if that makes any sense).

I'm really excited about my first painting for my Painting 2 class, though!! It's going to be the biggest I've ever painted and I'm super stoked about it. I've had this idea for a while now, and it's going to be my next "Behind The Artwork" video! (If you haven't seen my last Behind The Artwork video, click here to watch it!) I'm really excited for my portfolio class, as well. I just wish it was more of me developing my portfolio rather than doing a bunch of this extra stuff at the same time. It's starting to get hard to organize and prioritize, honestly. I have to have 2 pieces finished by the 9th of February and a very rough draft of an artist's statement (a page or so long) done by February 2nd. Not gunna lie, kind of freaking out inside but I'll get through it alive (hopefully).

Monday, January 25, 2016

Behind the Artwork - Avery's Unicorn

Hi there everyone! It's the big day! I've been teasing WIP shots and tiny sneak peeks, but today is the day where everyone finally gets to see the finished product! Dun dun dunnnn.....!


Here it is!!! This is the picture I took of it right after I finished it! The lighting is pretty bad, but it's the best picture I could get.

Avery after she opened it! My sister said all her friends would love it!

We hung it right away, too! Matches her bed and her unicorn loves it too ;)

Val said she hadn't seen Avery smile like that since she met Rapunzel at Disney World! She was waiting for such a long time for this painting, and told everyone about it whenever they asked what she was going to hang on her wall! This picture is very true to the colors it actually is, as well!


Okay, so now to the nitty gritty fun art talk! The video explains a lot of it, but I'll put it here as well! I used a watercolor canvas that's 2' x 3' (video explains why I used that canvas), and I used Liquitex BASICS acrylic paint. Some Sharpie was used but I ended up painting over it, haha. I used a multitude of brushes, so don't ask me what kind I used..just a bunch of different sizes and shapes to get the job done I needed. (:

Almost everything in this painting means something special. The trees are for growth and strength, the unicorn is for imagination, the small spirit houses offer protection, the style of trees reflect my own style/series called Twisty Trees so she always remembers Aunt Haley, the stacked rocks are used by hikers so they don't get lost in the woods so those are so she never loses her way, and the mist with flecks/sparkles in it are supposed to be dreams, wishes, and angels watching over her.

I'm so nervous to share this with everyone. Probably because I worked so hard on it and I want it to get noticed, even though I don't have a lot of followers/subscribers. If you enjoyed, PLEASE share with your friends, and if you want to see more subscribe to my YouTube channel (link to video at the top) and follow my blog! (:
Thanks for all of your support! <3

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lots of Motivation!

You know what the best feeling is? Feeling so motivated and inspired that all you want to do is that one thing you're into. For me, that's art. And I've been going NUTS this entire winter break with drawing, filming, and sketching stuff. I even have some paintings planned! But January 1st really kicked off my motivation to get my YouTube channel fixed up to be mainly an art channel, and a devoted one, at that.

To put some perspective on how busy I've been with art, I've filmed and edited 4 videos in about a week. One is Avery's unicorn video that spanned from May 2015 to December 2015 (but editing all the clips took a while anyway). Two are smaller pieces, but were done in Copic Markers so they're pretty detailed and it took a while to complete both. And another is a mini speedpaint, but it's also sort of a review video. So that's A LOT of videos that I've gotten done in under a week.

And that's not all, I've been planning videos this whole time too! On the Calendar on my phone, I have every other Monday marked that I have a video planned for. And I have videos planned/started all the way until the BEGINNING OF MAY. I know bi-weekly videos isn't as intense as weekly videos, like most art YouTubers do, but being an over full-time college student it can be hard to do anything BUT homework. So, for me, planning and filming these videos ahead of time is really important, especially if I want to maintain the bi-weekly schedule. And so far I've got videos filmed and edited through the beginning of March.

If I could get the rest of my videos filmed, at LEAST filmed, by next Tuesday, even next weekend, I'll be set through the semester and I won't have to worry about it. That's my main goal. After the semester is over I'll be golden because I'm not taking any classes over the summer. It'll be my first big break from classes ever since senior year in high school! You peeps have no idea how excited I am for that. My brain needed CPR at the end of last semester!

Anyway, I'm rendering a pretty cool speedpaint right now (that will go up in the beginning of March, if not earlier) and it's lagging me slightly, so I'm going to skidaddle and work on more art stuff! And watch American Tail movies. Because that's how I ROLL, otay? Otay.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see art videos and maybe some vloggity vlog type videos that are still art-related! c:

Monday, January 11, 2016

My 2015 Art Favorites!!

Hello all you lovely people! (:

I just uploaded my very first SCHEDULED art video on YouTube and I can say I'm super stoked to finally get this ball rolling. My new years goal was to start uploading videos regularly, and getting my art channel to the way I want it! Well so far it's been going great!! I have videos filmed for all of this month, and the beginning of next month, and I have 5 other videos in the works! If I could get all of these ideas done and filmed by next Tuesday, I'll have all of my videos ready to be scheduled to go up for the WHOLE SEMESTER! I wouldn't even have to worry about filming them on time!

I have a bunch of sketches finalized and ready to be inked and filmed. I also have some that are inked and ready to be colored and filmed! But, I also have vlog-style videos I'd like to do, and those are the easiest to get done! I'm so incredibly happy about my art channel now, it's amazing. I wish I would have done this sooner, but last semester was impossible to do anything on top of the amount of homework I had. This semester will hopefully be better, but I'm not going to promise that. That's why I've been working so hard these last 2 weeks to get videos done! And my sleep schedule (being up until 2 or 3 in the morning) is helping me get some late night stuff done.

Well, here's my first video for my bi-weekly schedule! If you enjoy, please spread the word and subscribe! (click link below the picture!)

Friday, January 1, 2016


It's not really a revamp as much as it's an improvement...

Ever since I started my YouTube channel, I wanted to be famous and have people enjoy looking at my art. But I never really knew what kinds of videos to put out, or how to edit them in a way where they would be anywhere near the other YouTube artists'. WELL I only use Windows Movie Maker and I can get it PRETTY darn close to theirs. And now that I like my new editing style, and I have a lot more motivation for it, I feel like I could maybe get somewhere close to them. The only part I can't really do is a collaboration, because I don't know anyone with a similar amount of subscribers as me to do a collaboration with so that would benefit both of us. Oh well. I just want to get the word out that my channel is changing to a more professional art channel, than just a random jumble of weird videos of me and my friends.

So here's my newest video, based off a cool present my awesome friend Nicole gave me for Christmas!! c: (click link below picture!!)

If you enjoy, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! I'd love to have your support (: <3
Happy New Year!