Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Schedule!

Hello again! I've finally figured out a good schedule that I think will work out for me and still give you guys the variety of content you want!

I'm really going to try and get into the habit of uploading to YouTube on Mondays again. Every Monday upload means a blog post! But, sometimes a series will pop up in my videos (travel vlogs, tutorials, etc.) and I won't want to post about every part, I'd rather do one BIG post about all the parts. So, sadly, that means all of you who only follow my blog would have to wait until the next few weeks for me to post anything.

Well no longer!

I've decided on a schedule that works for me, in my head anyway, and I can't wait to start uploading AND blogging regularly with this schedule. I can only hope I can find enough things to talk about that you all will enjoy! Again, it'll mostly be art-related stuff, but I plan on changing it up every now and then. Whether that would be a book review or a random discussion, maybe a tutorial? Who knows! The blog is my oyster! (Is that how that saying goes?) I also plan on never having the same topic for blog posts every week (I'll explain that a little later) so hopefully it'll keep things fresh!

SO my new uploading and blogging schedule will be:
YouTube Upload + Blog Post
Blog Post + Occasional Extra Video

So let me explain a little bit. Monday is my usual day, and I've done it for almost a year now (crazy!!) and it works for me. So I'll obviously be keeping that, since I think once I get into a groove I'll be able to keep it, even during next semester. I'll be taking all art classes, except Children's Literature English class, next semester, so I think I'll have some time to make videos, even if they're bullet journaling ones. Thursdays were the best candidate for the second blog post day because if I have a smaller/extra video to upload to my YouTube, I usually blog about it on that day! So I figured, why not have a set day to do more blog posts?

The deal with Thursdays is it helps me keep things fresh and it will help me bring variety and more things to my blog rather than JUST posting about my YouTube videos. Now, I DO put extra content in these posts than I share in my YouTube videos (or else what would be the point of the blog posts) but I want more than just extra behind-the-scenes content.

So my plan is, if I upload an ART video on Monday and make a blog post about it, Thursday's blog post will be about something OTHER THAN ART. For example, bullet journaling, books, healing crystals, tutorial, discussion, anything really. I'll try to keep it art-related or creative-related, but I'm hoping with this new schedule set up I'll be able to share more than just my videos and make my blog a little more interesting, overall improving what I'm putting out for you all! I have a lot of interests and stories, so I feel this will make it a little more personal and give more of a variety for more than just artsy people who read my blog.

If that still didn't make sense, here's an example of what my schedule may look like:
  • Monday - December Plan With Me (bullet journaling)
  • Thursday - Healing Crystals Journey (hobby)
  • Monday - YouTube video, no blog post (series)
  • Thursday - Liquitex Basics Product Review (art / product review)
  • and so on...
This way, even if I don't post anything on Monday because of a video series or I miss a week, you all are still getting a blog post every week, even if I miss a day! Hopefully you will enjoy this extra content, I can't wait to start sharing my interests and passions with you all a little bit more (:

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