Monday, May 30, 2016

"Arctic" Speedpaint + Mini Series Thoughts

Hi again everyone! As always, my weekly art video is up! (Almost late, was too busy getting a wicked sunburn today haha) Here's this week's video:

Uploading this, I thought maybe I should elaborate more on what I want to do with this mini series. If you've been watching these since the beginning, you know I've speedpainted under half of these pieces. I do plan on making a tour of my mini series portfolio so my viewers can see them all in the order they're all in (which is important because there's a transition through it all). I know I'd like to do more Twisty Trees, just because they're part of my life now more than ever and I want to see how far I can push it, and I told my portfolio class professor I'd do more of them this summer. I guess I just don't know where it's going to end up.

I've decided I'm not going to transfer to another college right away, and I'm going to take a break before deciding for sure. This gives me time to strengthen my portfolio and my mini series. I think I'll definitely keep the one word theme going through it and try and see how I can stretch it out. But as of now I'd like to do something OTHER than my trees, since I had to deal with them a lot this last semester and I'd like to have some fun with fan art and paintings of my own this summer. I already have a fan art in mind! ;) *cough*Pokémon*cough* I'll probably start them up again toward the end of the summer and through next semester since I think I'll have more time (hopefully).

This "Arctic" piece is one of two I have left to upload, besides another bigger piece that has one in it but it isn't related to my series at all (even though it's probably one of my favorites). The other is the last part of my "Process" triology series, "Stripes" and you can see the sketch and lineart parts on my channel already!

I've also officially decided to upload extra videos on THURSDAYS if I have one to upload. These videos will probably be "vlog" type videos, whether it's a haul or collection/show and tell thing, or smaller pieces of artwork that didn't take much time or effort to make. I'm not PROMISING two videos a week, but mark your calendars for Thursdays and keep an eye out for extra videos on those days! ;D

I think that's all I have to say about my series and channel for now. Enjoy and thanks for reading! (:

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