Monday, May 30, 2016

"Arctic" Speedpaint + Mini Series Thoughts

Hi again everyone! As always, my weekly art video is up! (Almost late, was too busy getting a wicked sunburn today haha) Here's this week's video:

Uploading this, I thought maybe I should elaborate more on what I want to do with this mini series. If you've been watching these since the beginning, you know I've speedpainted under half of these pieces. I do plan on making a tour of my mini series portfolio so my viewers can see them all in the order they're all in (which is important because there's a transition through it all). I know I'd like to do more Twisty Trees, just because they're part of my life now more than ever and I want to see how far I can push it, and I told my portfolio class professor I'd do more of them this summer. I guess I just don't know where it's going to end up.

I've decided I'm not going to transfer to another college right away, and I'm going to take a break before deciding for sure. This gives me time to strengthen my portfolio and my mini series. I think I'll definitely keep the one word theme going through it and try and see how I can stretch it out. But as of now I'd like to do something OTHER than my trees, since I had to deal with them a lot this last semester and I'd like to have some fun with fan art and paintings of my own this summer. I already have a fan art in mind! ;) *cough*Pokémon*cough* I'll probably start them up again toward the end of the summer and through next semester since I think I'll have more time (hopefully).

This "Arctic" piece is one of two I have left to upload, besides another bigger piece that has one in it but it isn't related to my series at all (even though it's probably one of my favorites). The other is the last part of my "Process" triology series, "Stripes" and you can see the sketch and lineart parts on my channel already!

I've also officially decided to upload extra videos on THURSDAYS if I have one to upload. These videos will probably be "vlog" type videos, whether it's a haul or collection/show and tell thing, or smaller pieces of artwork that didn't take much time or effort to make. I'm not PROMISING two videos a week, but mark your calendars for Thursdays and keep an eye out for extra videos on those days! ;D

I think that's all I have to say about my series and channel for now. Enjoy and thanks for reading! (:

Monday, May 23, 2016

My Lineart Process

Here's the second part of this video trilogy! Each part is explained/executed a little differently so hopefully that makes it more fun to watch! The Coloring Process will be up in a few weeks!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Plans for Summer

Hi all! Just a casual little post today. Figured I'd let you all know about what I plan to do on my YouTube channel during the summer!

Well, first off, I'm not looking for another job anytime soon because I'm fortunate enough to not HAVE to have one while in school. I'm deciding to be selfish for one last summer and spend it with family and friends, and most importantly do a TON of experimental artwork! I've lately felt like I'm in a growth spurt in my art skills that I'm having a hard time getting through. But lately I've found some cool things from just doodling and I've sort of had an "ah ha!" moment. I can't wait to show them with you all! <3 So I guess before I get TOO far into things, I'll show you the TENTATIVE list of videos I hope to upload in the next few months:
  • Behind the Artwork video
  • On/Off Twisty Tree speedpaints
  • Fan art
  • Doodling/Zentangle work
  • Acrylic painting speedpaints
  • #MerMay piece
  • Gouache Trial vlog
  • An "in real life" art trade vlog
  • Mini Series portfolio tour
  • Two remaining parts of my "Process" series
  • Watercolor vs Watercolor review
  • Art Book Collection
  • Reference Book Collection
  • Sketchbook tour (if I finish it)
  • Crayola Challenge pt 2
  • 3 Marker Challenge
These are just some ideas I have for over the summer, and I can guarantee there will probably be more to come from me! I've been contemplating on whether or not to upload TWICE a week over the summer. Maybe Mondays and Thursdays? I'm not really sure yet. I thought about doing what some YouTubers are doing now, where the "extra video" day would be a smaller/less significant video (vlog, simple speedpaint, etc) while the main upload day would be the "better" video. But I don't want to promise two videos a week because what if something comes up? So I think it'll be some sort of a pleasant surprise kind of thing for now and if I feel I can do two a week then I will for sure. I do have some videos that are slightly "smaller" and simpler than my normal ones I upload on Mondays but I feel if I uploaded them for my Monday video it would be sort of a let down. I feel I could probably keep up the occasional second video a week through the semester as well! So I think I'll implement that starting next week when I upload on Monday. I have a lot of cool videos already edited that have been waiting their turn to be uploaded!

I don't want to go into TOO much depth with the video ideas listed, so it can still be sort of a surprise, but I'm super excited to have this summer to really see what I can do! And my college's art department is letting students come in and use the painting room as a semi-open studio over the summer so I'll have a TON of better light for painting videos too!

That's all I'll say for now, any suggestions are appreciated! I'm always looking for do-able video ideas that my viewers would like to see! (:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Painting Like Monet

Hey everyone! Back again with a weekly art video! This one is actually my Art History 2 research project. I'm turning it in this week so I figured it would be the best week to upload it! And surprisingly I got it to upload AT HOME in less than 15 minutes. Don't know how that happened considering it's a 13 minute video. Who knows, I'm not complaining! ;D

All of the colors of paint I used are in the description of the video, along with a link to the best place to get them from: Dick Blick! I tried amazon, like I said in the video, but when I looked closer they were all different prices for the same thing! Uncool!

I had a lot of fun with this project/style challenge. It was WAY out of my comfort zone but it's good to do that sometimes! (: Lately I've been trying some doodling/zentangle stuff and I was up until 3am today working on one in my art journal x'D Which I'm now converting into my doodle book. I've also done some watercolor stuff in it but it's hard to work in with watercolor. Maybe I'll do a blog post and/or video about that later ;)
Enjoy! <3

Monday, May 9, 2016

Dick Blick Warehouse Haul

Here's a little haul from about a month ago when I had a road trip with my friend Nicole and we went to Dick Blick in Galesburg, IL! This Dick Blick has a HUGE warehouse that has RIDICULOUS deals, and most are because of very small flaws in the packaging, so you're getting a smokin' deal with great supplies! It's also good for trying new things because you're not spending a fortune on something you're not sure if you'll even like. I have a few items in this haul that are new to me, so here's this week's video!

Monday, May 2, 2016

3 Marker Challenge!

Back again with the weekly art video:

I'm really excited to post this, because I was SO nervous to do this challenge for the first time and I'm so glad I did! I got pretty easy colors for my first time, thank goodness, but I feel like I could definitely go for a harder round of the 3 Marker Challenge in the future. I wanted to try and get one marker from each of my baskets, but I couldn't tell which ones I had chosen from, so I ended up getting some pretty similar colors..oh well! Better luck next time!