Wednesday, December 30, 2015

YouTube Schedule???

I've been wanting to get more serious about my art channel on YouTube, and with the semester starting soon, and an online class I haven't done anything for yet, it's going to be tough. But I want to STRIVE for 1 video per week, most likely on Mondays, but I'll settle for every other week if need be. I already have 2 filmed and one edited, and the one that's edited is the best editing masterpiece I've ever created I hope everyone watches it OMG. I wish I had more than ~20 people who watch my videos, haha!

But, I'm hoping with these changes I'll be making to my channel I'll be able to gain more subscribers. I even have a pretty cool new setup for the backgrounds of my videos! It has better lighting and the background is my art/work space so the viewers can see what I'm working on!

I REALLY want to try and make this schedule work, but I'm starting to think that every other week might be better for me, especially when the semester picks up.

If any of you are YouTubers, or have any suggestions for videos and/or schedules, please let me know! <3

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Organizing My Art Supplies!

Hi all! New video today, showing my process of going through some extra art supplies I don't use on a daily basis anymore, and even throwing some out! :o I tried to make it upbeat and silly, since I know sometimes it's hard to let go of art stuff, or put it away for a while. But I was just getting sick of my lack of space (I have a tiny room anyway and I'm trying to make it my bedroom and art studio) and I knew a video, and my new storage bin I got for Christmas, would help my motivation!
Hope you enjoy! (click the link BELOW the picture to see my video/channel!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Time Crunch!

Hello all!

The Christmas season is a time where I overload myself with artworks and crafts that I would like to give to people as gifts. This year is no different!

  • Avery's unicorn painting is nearing completion! I just have some minor details to finish and the unicorn/Pegasus thing to finish and it'll be done! I think I'm going to shoot for her birthday at the end of January, though. My parents spoiled the grandkids with gifts this year and I'd rather give it to her on a more personal level than have it be forgotten in the mass of gifts they'll get this Christmas from everyone. I'm not going to post a progress picture, though. It wouldn't look much different. But the latest progress picture I've put on here will look MIGHTY different from what it will look like in the end! Waiting for her birthday will also give me more time to perfect it. I'd say it'll be the best present she gets for her 7th birthday ;)

  • I've recently made coasters for some people, as well! I REALLY like how they've turned out, I just have to do the acrylic finish on top of the other two sets and I'll be done with those!

  • Today I was contacted to paint three heraldic wooden shields for my friend I met in high school senior year. I thought he totally forgot about me! We were kind of a team, hoping to create a comic book together (him writing the story, me and another girl doing the artwork), but after graduation we stopped contacting each other. I'm not sure if he still even does the comics thing anymore. But he DOES appreciate art, and wanted to know if I could do three of these small wooden shields by Christmas. In 2.5 days. Which means I'll pretty much be working on them nonstop. But CHALLENGE ACCEPTED BECAUSE I'M A BROKE COLLEGE STUDENT. They're about the size of a hand, so they're not too big and he already put a white layer on them. So it shouldn't be too bad. Very simple and not detailed at all. Meeting him today to discuss payment and the designs themselves.

  • I also have a birthday/Christmas gift swap with Shawna again this year! c: After finally meeting her for the first time this year, in Colorado, I'm super stoked to get started on this drawing! We've decided to give each other a single theme, that's it, and it can only be in lineart! We've both been practicing linework, so this will be good practice for us, and it's a smaller picture so it'll be fun! I've already bought her gifts within the price limit we set, so I can start on that hopefully pretty soon!

So those are my projects for this holiday season ^^' A lot of it won't get done, but I know the coasters and the shields will! I hope you all have a nice holiday season, and get lots of wonderful gifts and memories! <3

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Winter Break!!

Hello everyone who still reads this!

FINALLY!! Made it to winter break! And ever since I got home on Wednesday I've been doing almost nothing but artsy stuff! When I got home from Starbucks, my new second home..I'm there like everyday I KID YOU NOT, I opened my package from amazon and my adult coloring book was in there! It took the rest of the afternoon/evening but I got the first page done! I'm trying to be artsy with it, so that's probably why it took so long ^^'

But other than that, I've worked on an abstract watercolor painting I've been wanting to try out based on the Ancient Mayan art style, I've made a set of a coasters I plan to make an ASMR video out of, I went to my first art journaling class at my worked and loved it so much I spent a LOT of money at work today ^^''''' Ooooops...but my mom paid me back for it and said she'd wrap it up for one of my Christmas gifts, haha.

I've also dragged the silly unicorn painting out again. I WANT to work on it and get it done by all depends on my motivation. I know it's for a 7 year old..but she's going to, hopefully, have this painting for the rest of her life. I want it to be so kickass my sister wants to pay me a million bucks for it. Although that's very unlikely..but ya know, I can dream, right?

I've also started scrapbooking again! I even finally finished my Prom album! This job has really helped me branch out to be more of a crafter! I love doing crafty things, and now I finally have the extra money to buy some of the "real" stuff for it, instead of knockoff stuff that doesn't really work! Once I get a couple more pages done in my art journal, I'll do a whole post about my art journaling journey. But for now it's just experimental! Sadly, water and ink have made a mess of my art journal's there's a lot of damage there. But that's part of art journaling, I guess! It's not supposed to be perfect. Here's my progress, but not the finished product:


As for YouTube, I'm mainly only working on ASMR videos now. I don't have the time, space, or recording set up to make real art speedpaints. I'm surprised any of my ASMR video angles work, honestly. I DO have ideas for art videos, don't get me wrong. The unicorn will be a big video, hopefully. I just need to get my butt up and get it done. It'll be the first installment of a series my boyfriend came up with! It's a "behind-the-scenes" look at my progress and what my art space looks like c:

I'll be working on my Christmas ASMR video and the painting tomorrow, since it'll be my first TRUE day off. I've been working or out and about all the other days of my break so far. ASMR videos are my favorite thing to make. It's relaxing for me AND my viewers, and I'm helping people at the same time. And they're so fun to make! I feel like with my art videos I'm rushed because I have limited amounts of time on my camera/phone and have to stop, usually, two or three times, maybe more depending on the project, so I can transfer the recordings. It's a weird process haha.

Other than that, I don't think there are any other art updates. I don't have any pictures of anything special, really. I hope you are all alive after finals, and are doing well! Merry Christmas if I don't get a chance to write anything else before then! (Hopefully I will because I'll be doing a lot of artsy stuff, believe me!!) It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm on winter I feel like I have something due on Monday when I DON'T I'M FINALLY FREE!!!
Ahem..have a nice day/night/afternoon/Christmas! \o/