Monday, August 3, 2015


I'm not dead yet, guys! :D Hooray!

So, I've been keeping to my promise, and I'm making really good progress on this painting for my niece! The day my Psychology class ended I worked for a good 2ish hours on it when I had an intermission trip back home from Austin's (he was doing college stuff so I went home until he was done lol). And almost every day since I've worked at least 2-3 hours on it. I'm really proud of myself so far! Everything is turning out satisfactory for me whenever I paint, so I can't complain.

If I had to give a percentage on how finished I am, I'd probably sayyyy..50-55%! Which is hell of a lot better than I was when my Psychology class ended! So I'm feeling pretty accomplished! The main parts of the background are turning out how I saw them in my head, which is great! And the other parts I worked on today look pretty good, too! I worked for probably 3ish hours today. So altogether I'm to about 20ish hours in! Whew!

But, to make this exciting, I'm not going to show you guys my FULL progress until the end, mwahahaha! So I took some close up "sneak peek" shots to keep you guys updated! (And I've had a hell of a time trying to get them on here! x.x Windows 10 is messing with my system!!!)

I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you have an awesome week! (:

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