Saturday, August 29, 2015

Welp..Things Not Going According to Plan!

Welp is right! Today has just been kinda off. This morning was awesome, I spent the night at Austin's last night and I woke up to him cuddling me and it was amazing. I even got pancakes and bacon out of the deal! And he said he would take me to Olive Garden for a dinner date! Like, how can that NOT be the best day ever??

But ever since I got home, not much has been going according to how I wanted them to play out. And all of these are totally "First World Problems" but to a gamer, YouTuber, and artist it's frustrating, okay? xD

First, my 3DS XL was giving me connection issues. I'm missing out of half the gameplay for Animal Crossing: New Leaf because I can't visit other people's towns unless they're right next to me. Kind of annoying considering I'm starting to gain popularity in the ACNL Instagram community! So I was dinking around with some wifi settings and I almost messed it up to the point of no return! Now, I'm waiting for the smallest reason to go get the New 3DS XL..buttttt it's $200 and a broke college kid like me just doesn't have that! Not until FAFSA/Scholarship refunds at least! ;)

Then, I filmed a video that requires me to try and sync up the audio. I had some really annoying loud sounds in it from me accidentally rubbing my arm on my leg, so I tried editing it out. WELP. That made the whole rest of the audio all messed up. Sometimes it would even just delete the last half without me realizing until it was too late! So that was annoying. I tried downloading 2 different free video editing softwares..but they were too laggy to be any use to me. Yet another thing I'll have to save up for..

And this last one is COMPLETELY my fault. but my floor has been a complete mess! It's a college syndrome for my room to be messy, it always happens during the semester! But, I'm also forcing myself to not use my desk unless I'm painting on Avery's unicorn painting. I figured it would eventually motivate me to use it, but it's not really working so far! I was doing really well with working on it in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but then I started waking up later and later. 8am classes are tough, okay?! And I was spending time with my dad on a few of those, we went golfing! c:

And, kind of putting all of those reasons floor was a mess because I got really into art journaling, but unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to make videos of myself putting together the pages (like I did for the cover) because they take SO LONG! And if I make a video I might not be able to even make a decent video for it! >.< So yeah. I'll probably make my next blog post about art journaling, because it's something I'm REALLY into right now! And it's fun and anyone can do it!

Well, that was just me sort of updating you guys on what's been going on. It still related to art, I'm good! ;D Hope you're all doing well!

Here's that Art Journal Cover painting video I made!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Remember That Deadline? About That...

Yeah...should have known it wasn't going to work! :c I was really determined with this one, too! Poo..

Welp, it would have worked if I didn't go on a spontaneous road trip to Colorado with my dad and Austin! :o Yep, finally had my very first vacation and it was amazing~ Couldn't have asked for a more perfect week to go. Climbed mountains, walked through freezing cold creeks, and even found some gold in those creeks!

We honestly didn't know we were going to Colorado 12 hours before we left, and Austin had even less time to get packed, etc. So the deadline thing didn't really work, but I made great time and improvements on it when I did work on it! I thought this blog would have helped me make sure I got it done in time, but Colorado kinda beat out the painting 10 fold, haha.

I would have pulled an all-nighter if I didn't have school on Monday! x.x 8am classes are going to be hard to get used to now, after a whole semester of 10am starts! So no, the painting won't get done by the deadline, but I have to say I'm proud of myself anyway. Before the road trip to Colorado I was determined more than ever to get it done, and I got 50% more done than what it was before I started this blog!! So that's some sort of improvement, right? It is to me anyway, and I'm proud of my progress in such a short amount of time. Hopefully I can find more time for it during the semester between my TWO history classes, Archaeology, and Life Drawing. I don't go in until 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so that'll probably be when that happens.

I'm also going to try and start going for walks/jogs around campus after my classes are over. Probably on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but we'll see what happens. I just need to make a routine and stick with it!

Wish me luck, readers! (:

Monday, August 3, 2015


I'm not dead yet, guys! :D Hooray!

So, I've been keeping to my promise, and I'm making really good progress on this painting for my niece! The day my Psychology class ended I worked for a good 2ish hours on it when I had an intermission trip back home from Austin's (he was doing college stuff so I went home until he was done lol). And almost every day since I've worked at least 2-3 hours on it. I'm really proud of myself so far! Everything is turning out satisfactory for me whenever I paint, so I can't complain.

If I had to give a percentage on how finished I am, I'd probably sayyyy..50-55%! Which is hell of a lot better than I was when my Psychology class ended! So I'm feeling pretty accomplished! The main parts of the background are turning out how I saw them in my head, which is great! And the other parts I worked on today look pretty good, too! I worked for probably 3ish hours today. So altogether I'm to about 20ish hours in! Whew!

But, to make this exciting, I'm not going to show you guys my FULL progress until the end, mwahahaha! So I took some close up "sneak peek" shots to keep you guys updated! (And I've had a hell of a time trying to get them on here! x.x Windows 10 is messing with my system!!!)

I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you have an awesome week! (: